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vane angle造句

"vane angle"是什么意思  
  • Effects of different fuel - air ratios and different geometric parameters of dual - stage swirler ( such as inner diameters of the primary swirl and secondary swirl passages , outer diameters of the secondary swirl passages , vane angle of the primary and secondary swirler , the distance of the flare exit from throat etc ) on combustion performances are studied experimentally . the experimental results show that radial profiles of the outlet gas temperature 、 combustion efficiency 、 emissions of co2 、 co and nox and lean blowout are affected with different degrees by the different geometric parameters of dual - stage swirler and the arrangement of primary holes
    在不同油气比下,不同的双级旋流器几何参数(例如:一级与二级旋流器出口内径d 、叶片安装角、二级旋流器出口外径d 、二级旋流器的喉道到出口截面的距离l和喉道前后的圆弧半径r以及主燃孔孔布局等)对单头部环形燃烧室的出口温度分布、燃烧效率、贫油熄火油气比以及污染物( co _ 2 、 co和nox )排放等燃烧性能的影响规律进行了研究。
  • It's difficult to see vane angle in a sentence. 用vane angle造句挺难的
如何用vane angle造句,用vane angle造句vane angle in a sentence, 用vane angle造句和vane angle的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。